Friday, May 23, 2008

Suzie wishes to nurture...

I wish to nurture my new garden, may it bring many joyful yummies for me to bake with.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Loes wishes to nurture...

I wish to nurture my dreams, the big ones and the small ones.


Margi wishes..

Please, I wish SO HARD for $10269.89 (I added everything up we needed) to come to us before May 28th.



Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday Wish Prompt: May 21, 2008

What do you wish to nurture?
Send wishes to wishcasting @ (without the spaces) for posting.
You can send in a wish based on this prompt or anything else you're dreaming of.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Erin wishes...

I wish for...

the courage to stay true to myself,
to be in this moment,
to challenge myself and speak my voice,
to be bold and brilliant,
to raise a confident and adventurous daughter,
to nurture my marriage and special friendships,
to be steadfast and wholehearted in service of the women I coach,
And to create vibrance and deliciousness in my days,a
nd to consciously create all that I truly desire.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday Wish Prompt: May 14, 2008

What do you wish to receive?
Send wishes to wishcasting @ (without the spaces) for posting.
You can send in a wish based on this prompt or anything else you're dreaming of.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Margaret wishes...

My biggest wish is to be able to make all the things happen that areplanned after we win the big jackpot in the Powerball.

My smaller wishes: that we get 10000 soon so we can get caught up on the house and not loose the car, the house, buy food and keep everything active. That my husband would love me the way he did when we first were married, that my husband would slow down on the drinking, that my middle son would get good grades and thrive, that my older son would be happy (he is 18 this June married to a not so nice person has a 17 month old daughter and supposedly one on the way-she wont tell him anything other than if he leaves her she will put this one up for adoption.) that my youngest would grow up to be amazing and not have his dads temper, that we have another child (preferably two girls and a boy all at once), and that the child I gave up for adoption is happy and some day gets to meet his brothers.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Suzie wishes...

I want my dream to visit England and see haunted castles, visit the house of the Brontes and walk along the moors to come true in the next three years.
