Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wishing You a Happy Holiday

Thank you to all you wishers and wish supporters for making 2007 a magical year full of dreams and shared blessings! I'm looking forward to creating more magic with you in 2008. Expect a new prompt on Wednesday January 8th.


Loes said...

Thank you, Jamie, for this fabulous initiative! Let the magic continue in 2008 and count me in...

Marilyn said...

And to you. Looking forward to seeing what you'll be doing here in 2008 and smiling at the timing of the new prompt. Oh, goodie...just in time for my birthday on the 9th. ;)

Mich said...

Hi Jamie

I am wishing for a home for Suzie as well!

Currently I'm working on 100 wishes for 2008 ...

I hope you had a magical Christmas.
